Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Those "Silver Foxes" Just Keep on Comin'.

I was online, the other day, checking my inbox on Adam-4-Adam, when I saw yet another email from a horny older guy in his mid forties. For a while now, I've been thinking about the whole "age" thing when it comes to the Gay community, Gay men in particular. Being the keen social observer that I am, I've noticed a particular pattern where older Gays eroticse the younger generation of Gays. I've witnessed it first-hand, both over the Internet and in social settings. I might not be into older men, but that doesn't stop them from sending me emails via whatever dating site I might be using. In any given week, I receive at least fifteen messages all from men between the ages of 35 to 55.

I got to thinking about my generation of gay men, "Generation Y". Will we share the same fate of "Generation X"? Will we find ourselves still going to "twink" bars and looking for "love", on the Internet, well into our forties and fifties? I would hope not. Seeing that we have the reality of Gay Marriage in our grasps. But, sometimes I just wonder.


1 comment:

UrSoVain said...

I heard somewhere that thats out biggest fear. Not getting HIV or growing old but.... ending up alone. Nobody wants that.