Monday, February 25, 2008

Living vs. Exsiting

As I've said before, I don't really consider myself to be "fun" or interesting. I'm a boring guy, with stupid/boring interests, who has nothing to bring to the table in a relationship, and who's passionate about nothing. Come on, lets face it, NOBODY wants to be in a sex-less relationship with a boring person...Its just a fact. I need to live in the reality that, if I find myself involved with someone (which I doubt will EVER happen.), it'll be over before it starts...Assuming I'm honest and upfront from the beginning.

Anyway, I was thinking...I'm not exactly "living". I'm more like existing. I guess it comes from the way I dealt with my mother's death and growing up fast, when I was younger. I spent my teen years just going to school and coming home and not really doing the whole "social" thing, that most kids my age were doing. Senior year came around, and work was added to the mix. One of the reasons why I left home, after high school, was so that I could be on my own and live my own life, without being bothered with my family. In other words, I wanted to be free to live my own life, on my terms...And, I am.

I guess, what I'm wondering is...Now that I'm an adult, how do I become someone who enjoys life, instead of just existing in it?



PRIMO said...

WOW! LOL. Why do I feel as if I wrote this post. I Guess Probably because I might have at one point. My Life is no where near what I want it to be. I am still looking for the answers Because I Too feel as if I'm just existing.

j_shanlin said...

First of all, you coulda fooled me... Now, granted, I've never met you before, but the way you write about yourself and your experiences, you sound like a cool ass dude. And, if you think you're boring, surround yourself with some other cool ass people (notice I said "other"), so they'll bring out the best in you!!

fuzzy said...

The thing is not to become someone, but discover who you are. Discover what you like, where you are going and when you will get there. Get a plan and get some enthusiasm.

Try new things to develop a personality that is outstanding. not especially loud, but outstanding. In the process, remember that you are YOU and if you want to become somebody, YOU will have to change yourself!

Anonymous said...

You got time.